The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Fortress Minerals Limited (the “Company”) wishes to announce the following:
Change of Registered Office Address
The registered office address of the Company will be changed to 77 Robinson Road, #06-03, Robinson 77, Singapore 068896 with effect from 1 March 2022. The telephone and fax numbers remain unchanged.
Change of Address of Share Registrar and Place Where Register of Members and Index is Kept
The office of the Company' Share Registrar, B.A.C.S. Private Limited and the place at which the Company’s Register of Members and Index is kept, will be changed to 77 Robinson Road, #06-03 Robinson 77, Singapore 068896 with effect from 1 March 2022. The telephone number of the Share Registrar remain unchanged, while its fax number will no longer be in use with effect from 1 March 2022.
Dato’ Sri Ivan Chee Yew Fei
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
28 February 2022
This announcement has been reviewed by the Company’s sponsor, PrimePartners Corporate Finance Pte. Ltd. (the “Sponsor”). It has not been examined or approved by the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “Exchange”) and the Exchange assumes no responsibility for the contents of this document, including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or reports contained in this document. The Sponsor has also not drawn on any specific technical expertise in its review of this announcement.
The contact person for the Sponsor is Ms. Jennifer Tan, 16 Collyer Quay, #10-00 Income at Raffles, Singapore 049318,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
The contact person for the Sponsor is Ms. Jennifer Tan, 16 Collyer Quay, #10-00 Income at Raffles, Singapore 049318,
1. Announcement (392 kb)