Chew Wai Chuen

Chairman & Independent Director

CHEW WAI CHUEN is our Chairman and Independent Director and he is also Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Committee and Nominating Committee. He was appointed to our Board on 19 February 2019.

Mr. Chew is presently a non-executive director of Tungsten Mining NL, an Australian-based resources company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and primarily focused on the exploration and development of tungsten projects in Australia, and the managing partner of Precious Capital Pte Ltd, a company engaged in the business of providing management and advisory services to mining companies in Australia and South East Asia.

Mr. Chew has more than 15 years of financial advisory experience, and specialises in the provision of corporate and wealth management for ultra-high net worth individuals. Prior to joining our Group, Mr. Chew served as banking relationship manager at Credit Suisse Singapore, United Overseas Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and OCBC Bank Singapore.

Mr. Chew graduated from The Chartered Institute of Marketing with a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing in June 1998. Subsequently, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Thames Valley University (formally known as University of West London) in February 2000.